4 Ways To Become More Involved In Book Reviewing

Perhaps you’re a voracious reader and you’re wondering how to get more involved with the community. Or maybe you’ve seen the flawless Bookstagram pages of some of the most dedicated book reviewers, and you’re wondering how to go about starting an Instagram book account of your own. Today I’ll be talking about all the different platforms available for sharing your love of reading with others!

Start a Book Blog
This is probably the most accessible, and a good starting point that can help you get involved in some of the other ways to share your book reviews. I began my blog in the summer of 2016, and I’ve been reading and reviewing ever since. I can honestly say it has been a life changing experience because of how it has shaped my writing and online presence! Some good websites for beginning your book blog include Tumblr, Blogger, or Wordpress. I would suggest brainstorming several articles prior to starting a blog, so you have some pieces to get you started. You may also want to consider creating a blogging schedule if you’re extremely committed to blogging as your book review platform of choice!

Start a BookTube channel
This requires a bit more technological skill than a book blog, but the premise is the same. The thing I adore about BookTube is that you can reach a wider audience than with blogging alone, and your personality really shines through in the videos you create. This is one section of book blogging that I have yet to try,m but it’s definitely something I’d consider for the future! That said, online safety is still important to consider. If you are under the age of 18, getting a parent’s permission before broadcasting yourself on the internet is a good idea.

Start a Bookstagram Account
This is another life-changing decision I made. Last spring, I had just finished my first year at university, and the summer stretched out before me. I wanted a meaningful pastime to dedicate my attention to, and I had always admired bookstagram accounts such as Clockworkreads. I created a Bookstagram account, and because of the positivity and encouragement in the community, I began reading more than ever. I received recommendations from readers who loved the same books as me, and I expanded the genres I read as a result. Aside from the book blogging aspect, Bookstagram is also an amazing social platform for meeting fellow book lovers from all over the world!

Sign Up for Netgalley
NetGalley is a website that connects book bloggers and reviewers with ARCs of books prior to their publication. In exchange for an honest review and a little broadcasting on social media, reviewers receive an Advanced Reader Copy of a book for free. This can lead to building a relationship with some big name companies and authors, such as Simon & Schuster and St. Martin’s Press. In my experience, publishers on NetGalley usually prefer to distribute ARCs to established reviewers with a pre-existing media presence, such as people who run their own book review blogs or YouTube channels. If NetGalley is something of interest to you, you might consider first building a platform as a reviewer on one of the other sites I’ve mentioned so that when publishers view your profile, they can see your dedication and passion for books.

These are some of my favourite platforms for sharing my love of books. Becoming involved in book blogging has made me a more adventurous reader, and has increased the amount of book I have access to as well as the amount I read in a year. It has turned reading into more than a hobby, but a passion. If you want to share your love of reading, these are a few ways to pursue your interests!


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