My Experience Studying Abroad in Greece
I have always been deeply fascinated by ancient Greece , land of heroes and legends. I can remember sitting in my sixth grade history class learning about Athens and being utterly transfixed. The mythology and pantheon of Greek gods has always captured my imagination. I never thought I would study abroad . It had always seemed like an exciting, far-off thing that was just out of reach. Study Abroad programs were for those students who got involved in everything, who got the most out of everything university offered them. I never imagined that I, the bookish dreamer majoring in English with a passion for Classics would ever get the opportunity to study abroad, much less immerse myself in the study of something meaningful to me in an overseas setting. But in the fall semester of my sophomore year of university, one of my ancient Greek history professors distributed a flyer advertising a group study in Greece. I was immediately drawn to it, despite being an overly cautious person....